Return Policy

14 Days Return

You could return the item to us for a refund within 14 days after you have received the item. We only accept returned item which is in its original brand new condition with the product tag attached, and it must be put back in the original package. Anything missing will not be eligible for a refund. A refund will be made after we have received the item, inspected its condition, and confirmed that the returned item has not been used, washed, worn or damaged.

Refund or Store Credit Code

You may choose to get a refund or Store credit code of your returned item. Shipping cost is non-refundable in both options and Paypal Fees will be deducted from the price. Alternatively, you may choose to get a store credit code (equivalent to the price of your returned item) to be used for future order(s).

Postage of Returned Item

Customers will be responsible to pay for the postage to return the item.

No Exchange

We do not offer any exchange of items.


No refunds/returns for any custom-made/customised items.

Item Return Form

If you want to return your item, you must first email us about the return at We will then provide a return address to you as our return address is different from the address shown on your received package. We cannot guarantee a refund without sending us an email announcing the return first.

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